Master plan for the modernization of the public irrigated perimeters supplied by the Laaroussia canal

The objective of the project is to rationalize the use of water resources and to intensify the development and development of self-management of irrigation systems by irrigators’ associations (GDA’s).

In phase 1, the aim is to establish a master plan for the modernization of the Public Irrigated Perimeters of the Lower Medjerda Valley. Existing perimeters are old and degraded, reducing the flow and efficiency of the water distribution system. The rationalization of the use of water must be allowed by means of irrigation hydrants equipped with water meters. This is a major issue for Tunisia given the scarcity of water resources and the increase in demand for both raw water and drinking water.

In phase 2, the aim is to establish a rehabilitation plan for the Laaroussia Canal due to the urgent need for a modernization / renovation of the canal. The challenge is to plan in space and time the rehabilitation of this canal taking into account the constraints of water diversions required during this period of time.

This phase includes :

Identification of points limiting the canal conveyance

Improvement of canal régulation

Diagnostic of the canal operation and maintenance