Innovation in action

Innovation is woven into the very fabric of SCP

The Canal de Provence infrastructure was a revolutionary undertaking for its time, and remains so today. It was designed to prevent permanent discharge at its outlets, and today all of the water flowing through it is consumed, with not a drop going to waste.

Such remarkable efficiency is possible thanks to the use of the dynamic regulation principle: numerous sensors positioned all along the facilities analyse water levels and other measurements in real time, and the equipment is adjusted accordingly, thus ensuring that water extraction and transportation is always kept to the minimum required level.


The system is managed automatically from the Remote Control Centre at SCP’s headquarters in Le Tholonet, and a team of engineers and technicians is on hand 24/7 in order to respond to any irregularities or alarm signals.

This technology, combined with the constant upkeep of our distribution canals, means that over 85% of extracted resources are invoiced to our customers, a truly impressive achievement for such an extensive water transportation and distribution infrastructure.

Innovating to prepare for the future

Every year, SCP implements new plans in harmony with its concession-related operations, engineering and service-oriented activities, and economic environment. Its strategy is anchored in three main pillars:

The company’s strategy also revolves around five annual targets. Those set out for the year 2019 are listed below:

Taking innovation further by sharing in partnerships !

SCP’s contributions to innovation are in perfect harmony with its concession-related hydraulic development vocation, its engineering and service activities, and its economic environment.


The WADI project aims to provide an altogether new airborne water leak detection service, using manned and unmanned aircraft. Launched in 2016, the project involves twelve different European partners. SCP’s distribution networks served as a pilot site to perform configuration tests for hyper spectral on-board cameras, with a view to locating potential leaks on pipes.

Connected irrigation: efficient and economical

Launched in 2016, the Smart Irrigation project seeks to develop a connected irrigation service. In the long term, it will allow our customers to:

If you are working on an innovative or creative idea, or if you are part of a start-up company, submit your project by filling in this form.