Project description
In general terms, this study aims to improve understanding of hydro-agricultural systems in the Plaine des Cayes and provide the main elements with which to construct a general hydro-agricultural master plan for the plain and its catchments. The study takes account of the agro-environmental context with regard to climate change, and also with regard to the more general anthropogenic context.
This study will help the Haitian Government to develop its strategy for the southern part of the country, as well as supporting investment projects in the Plaine des Cayes designed to improve both resilience to climate change and agricultural productivity.
Services provided:
- Co-ordination and management of the SCP-TERO-Genie Conseil – Geograph’R consortium for project execution
- Responsibility for the hydrological (IWRM modelling using WEAP software), hydraulic, pedological and cartographic aspects of the study, and analysis of the impact of climate change