- Preliminary studies, including in-depth analyses of local hydro-geomorphology, sediment transportation, hydraulics, and geology
- Preliminary design studies
- Detailed design studies
- Works contract procurement assistance, including tender documents
- Works supervision and acceptance of works
- Environmental and regulatory studies
Project description
The Remparts river passes through the centre of the town of Saint-Joseph. This river drains the southern part of the Fournaise Massif, an area subject to exceedingly high rainfall and occasional severe floods which carry large volumes of sediment and can alter the course of the river.
Flood protection on the Remparts river has therefore become a pressing issue and an important prerequisite for local development.
A programme of works has been launched with the following key objectives:
Services provided:
- Protecting populated areas from the risks of floods and erosion
- Improving the site’s image and integrating the works into the different areas crossed by the river, whether urban, agricultural, tourist-related, or natural
- Respecting the environment by adopting a sustainable development approach
- Taking account of related projects