Preparing for the future
SCP is a great believer in investment, which explains the importance of its assets. Today, the company invests to the tune of €60 million per year, half of which is dedicated to extending its networks and infrastructures into new areas, while the other half serves to finance major refurbishment works, in order to keep its hydraulic infrastructure running smoothly. Indeed, these two investment entries, extension and refurbishment, benefit from an equal budget.

A new lease of life for the bimont dam
Refurbishment of the Bimont dam, €20M of works.

Network extension in the luberon valley
Development of the South Luberon networks began in 2015, with a €40-million budget spread over 10 years.

The verdon and durance rivers: a mutually-supportive relationship
Diversifying and securing the water supply for towns and villages in the Durance Valley, to the tune of €11 million.

Turning water into wine
Fitting out regional irrigation networks, in partnership with various associations, and the Var Chamber of Agriculture. An ambitious, €250-million programme to irrigate 20,000 ha.