Additional areas of expertise

Our team of experts

SCP also possesses a range of transversal skills and specialisations which both complement and enrich its services.

SCP performs integrated studies of agricultural land at local, regional and national levels, focusing on key social, economic and environmental factors. To this end, we employ a range of tools such as quantitative and qualitative surveys, landscape and agroecosystem analyses, public policy studies at different levels, and analysis of available databases (Land Use and Graphic Plot Registers in France, and all available databases in other countries).

We also develop and implement supporting measures to accompany transitions aimed at increasing regional resilience to social, economic and environmental issues. This involves organising and leading participatory processes with farmers, and setting up technical support systems for economic initiatives such as value chains. It also consists of defining action strategies, allocating roles and responsibilities to those involved, and budget definition and funding for project implementation .

Soil suitability for agricultural development, irrigation and on-site sewerage systems, as well as monitoring of soil quality

Feasibility of the recovery and treatment of solid waste (sediments, organic products), and liquid waste (waste water reuse)

Soil corrosiveness

Consideration of soil resources in impact studies, master plans, integrated water resource and watershed management schemes, and transitions towards agroecology

Development of thematic applications based on the management of digital pedological databases

Soil mapping at all scales

Auscultation and topographical surveys for engineered structures of all sizes (all classes of dams, reservoirs, galleries, canals, etc.): full station/plant, etc.

Delimitation and demarcation of the concession area (updating in consultation with surveyors, records and databases).

Upstream project phase: cost-benefit and multi-criteria analyses, modelling of operating costs and provisional budgets, pricing policy and forecasting, sensitivity and profitability analyses, comparison of contract management benchmarking, etc.

Project implementation and monitoring: production / operation cost analysie, funding plans and subsidy applications, contractual and financial auditing, monitoring of productivity indicators, economic modelling, public procurement procedures, skills transfers, etc.

We can also develop specific tools for each stage, and train our clients on how to use them.

Environmental analysis of projects and operations:

Identification of environmental issues in the study area, with supervision of naturalist sub-contractors (tendering, bid analyses, monitoring of services).

Integration of environmental considerations into projects, by reconciling technical constraints and environmental issues in order to ensure that projects will be in line with regulations. This is carried out in consultation with local environmental stakeholders, and in accordance with the tenet of prevention, mitigation and compensation.

Monitoring of effective application of environmental measures, both during and after completion of works, in collaboration with professional naturalists.

Ecological engineering:

River engineering: restoration / protection of river banks by means of vegetation engineering, restoration of rivers in accordance with the French GEMAPI law.

Erosion management: reduction of the site footprint on steep slopes, in order to avoid post-works soil erosion.

Identification of the regulatory procedures to which each project involving SCP is subject, through regulatory monitoring and consultation with the State departments in charge of examining regulatory files.

Assistance to project owners, based on our experience as the owner of hydraulic infrastructures, which has endowed us with a solid understanding of what official inspections involve. In particular, our recommendations focus on the potential need for additional technical appraisals for ensuring projects acceptability , as well as on the scheduling of operations to take account of regulatory procedures and their examination periods.

Development, in collaboration with professional naturalists, of the regulatory files required for conducting operations under the French Environment Code (case-by-case examinations, impact studies, environmental permits, Water Act declarations, public inquiries, etc.), and the French Forestry and Town Planning Code (prior declarations, compatibility of local town planning, etc.).

Monitoring of regulatory inspections, and assistance to the project owner until the regulatory permits required for project implementation have been obtained.

SCP’s geotechnics unit carries out all assignments that fall within the scope of the NF-P 94-500 standard (prior studies, design studies, works supervision and analyses), and is also able to manage projects in which geotechnics play an important role. Thanks to its in-house Geotechnics and Concrete Laboratory, it applies its expertise not only to SCP’s own operations, but also to third parties, including local authorities, companies, private clients, and others. Its operations are connected with hydraulic facilities such as reservoirs, dams, dykes, buildings, piping, slope stabilisation systems, aqueducts, canals, and micro-power plants.

Combining digital mapping, spatial databases and spatial analysis, geomatics is of great benefit to SCP in all its fields of activity:

Processing and analysing geographical data in order to set up GIS and produce thematic maps for use in various fields (development and management of hydraulic infrastructures, sustainable land development, agriculture, natural environments, risks, resource management, and town planning).

Creating a methodology for resolving spatial issues, to the benefit of local stakeholders.

Participating in measurement campaigns, as and when necessary.

SCP has designed and now operates more than 85 pumping stations, 10 micro-power plants, and around 300 remote management/regulation stations. As such, it is well qualified to work on other types of facility:

Upstream studies and full project management, right up to the commissioning stage (diagnostics, preliminary and detailed design, tender processing, works contract procurement assistance, and works supervision).

Analysis of working hydraulic facilities, and recommendations for the upgrading of equipment and operating systems.

Assessment of pumping-station energy efficiency, and recommendations for optimisation.

Studies on supplying energy needs through renewable sources (photovoltaics, hydroelectricity, sewerage treatment works).