Project description
The challenge:
- Increasing demand for drinking water in the Gulf of Saint Tropez and, more specifically, in Sainte Maxime, where long-term demand is equivalent to 500 l/s
- A lack of resources and/or new sites for local storage reservoirs
- The only solution is to transfer water from the Verdon via the ‘Verdon Saint Cassien’ transfer facility located 25 km upstream from the village of Vidauban
The project:
- Construction of a 25-km long water main (ND 800 mm), including a 5,000-m3 intermediate reservoir
- Creation of a 500-l/s delivery unit and 9 open/close structures
Project details (technical, economic, environmental, etc.):
- The project crosses the Maures massif, where steps were taken to protect the Hermann’s tortoise population
- The water main crosses more than 10 large rivers, including the Aille and the Préconil. In addition, the pipe was laid under 5 km of winding road in order to avoid the Maures massif as much as possible. Micro-tunnels were bored to allow the water main to pass under the SNCF railway and A8 motorway
Study and construction schedule:
- Preliminary studies = 2010
- Construction work = 2015 – 2016
Description of services provided by SCP within the framework of the assignment:
- Project ownership and management
- Securing funding
- Preliminary feasibility studies
- Environmental impact studies
- Public inquiry and acquisition of land
- Detailed preliminary design
- Detailed design
- Works supervision
Areas of expertise:
- Economics and planning
- Development of forests and green spaces
- Aquatic ecology
- Environmental affairs
- Hydrology
- Hydrogeology
- Geology
- Hydraulics: gravity and pumping systems
- Cartography – topography – GIS