Project description
The French Development Agency has launched a mission to identify rural development projects in the northern part of Ghana.
The AFD has requested the support of an expert in irrigation and water-resource management for agricultural development. This project is part of the European programme entitled “Productive investment in the Savannah agro-ecological zone”, which falls within the scope of the 11th European Development Fund (EFD).
The aim of this programme is to target investments which promote sustainable and inclusive growth among rural communities.
Services provided:
- Preparation of the technical mission
- Technical assistance to the AFD team on hydro-agricultural infrastructures and irrigation throughout the mission
- Expert assessment and diagnosis of existing infrastructure
- Assistance in discussions with the project partners: MOFA, GIDA, GIZ, EU, GCAP
- Preparation of checklists for the mission
- Support in drawing up the framework of the assistance programme
- Drafting of terms of reference for a feasibility study