Project description
Contrat de prestations de services (Marché à bons de commande) pour des expertises dans le domaine des périmètres irrigués.
Les prestations réalisées :
- Support in identifying an irrigation project in the Mundeni Aru basin, Sri Lanka
- Pre-feasibility study for Jericho’s “cash for water” PPP, with a view to reusing wastewater to supply an irrigation scheme
- Support in identifying an irrigation project in the north of Nigeria (TRIMING project)
- Support in the appraisal (AFD) and management (SONADER) of the ASARIGG project for the rehabilitation of village-level irrigation schemes on the Senegal river, Mauritania
- Support in the appraisal of the project to rehabilitate three irrigation schemes in the Korhogo and Boundiali area, Ivory Coast
- Bolivian national irrigation programme and expert feasibility analysis
- Additional feasibility studies for the development of Lake Horo, Mali
- Analysis of the irrigation component of the Misicuni multi-purpose project in the Cochabamba region of Bolivia
- Support to the AFD in defining an irrigation assistance programme for Bolivia