Project description
Multi-criteria feasibility study of the reuse of wastewater for agriculture. Treated wastewater from a number of treatment plants will be used to supply a catchment area where water resources are scarce.
- ACTION 1: Feasibility study on the adjacent Haut Calavon and Largue catchment areas
- ACTION 2: Pilot tests to investigate the potential benefits to agriculture, the management of health risks, and the adaptation of irrigation equipment to wastewater reuse practices
- ACTION 3: Consultation and sociological analysis to gauge the degree of public acceptance of wastewater reuse practices
- ACTION 4: Launch of feasibility studies on other catchment areas suffering from water shortages
Services provided:
- Scheduling, technical, and financial management of the project as a whole
- Co-ordination of the various partners involved in the project, and communication with funding organisations and local political decision-makers
- General communication regarding the project
- Implementation of the feasibility study (ACTION 1)
- Significant contributions to the public acceptance study (ACTION 3)
Partners: CCPAL, IRSTEA, Aix-Marseille University, ECOFILAE, Chambers of agriculture.
By an industrial agreement for training through research, and a study to reproduce the results in other catchment areas.