Project description
Reinforcement works on the dike that runs for 13 km along the right bank of the Rhône river, between Le Fer à Cheval, Beaucaire, and the ‘La Tourette’ pumping station, Fourques.
Deconstruction of the existing dike followed by reconstruction of a new dike (1 million m3). The new dike will be built using materials from the existing dike, the excavated materials from the sealing trench and materials brought in from external sources. The structure of the new dike will be composed of a watertight embankment (on the river side), a drain filter and a stabilization embankment (on the protected area side). As a result of these works, the dike’s structure and design will be in accordance with the “resistance to reference hazards” dike certification.
- Contract and finance management for the project management consortium
- Design and management of the design team for detailed design and tender documents
- Bid analysis relating to works contracts
- Head of co-ordination for network rerouting (construction scheduling and supervision)
- Management of works teams
- Works supervision
Services provided:
- Geotechnical supervision of the G4 dike construction project, in accordance with the NF P 94-500 standard (checking of detailed works design + monitoring of works)
- External geotechnical supervision, including in-situ testing (lightweight penetrometers, gamma densitometers, plate tests, heavy penetrometers, permeability tests, etc.), as well as laboratory tests (GTR, Proctor, shear tests)