Watershed reforestation and management in the Dominican Republic

Pays / Lieu Dominican Republic
Client Plan Sierra / San José de las Matas Dominican Republic
Date de démarrage: April 2018
Date de fin: June 2018


Dominican Republic


Plan Sierra / San José de las Matas République Dominicaine
Start date: April 2018
End date: June 2018

Project description

Plan Sierra is a non-governmental organisation in charge of a reforestation and management programme for the Yaque del Norte catchment area, with a view to reconciling water and environmental preservation with the development of economic activities (herding, agriculture, wood industries, drinking water supply, and hydropower). Furthermore, Plan Sierra was recently chosen by the government to be the watershed co-ordinating body. 

The AFD financed the NGO’s initiatives during the two previous programmes. The project now aims to elaborate a new multi-year programme allowing development work on various aspects of the Sierra to be continued:

Services provided:

The project consists of two phases, each involving a specific assignment: