WAT4CAM: Cambodia

WAT4CAM is a major technical assistance program for Cambodia’s Ministry of Water Resources and Meteorology. It was launched by SCP in 2019 and is financed by the AFD.

The programme consists of two main assistance missions concerning the rehabilitation of between 15,000 and 20,000 hectares of irrigation schemes, to be carried out over a 4-year period (2020-2024):

Assistance to project management at the infrastructure level: feasibility and design studies for open irrigation schemes, as well as works supervision. This component also includes a study trip to SCP for a Cambodian delegation, planned for 2021. SCP will cover €800,000 of the total cost, which amounts to 5.5 million USD.

Assistance with water management and organisation of a water users’ association for approximately 50 rehabilitated irrigation schemes. This component involves creating an irrigation scheme management tool and providing support to the institutions in charge of these schemes, in order to manage the costs of operation and maintenance more efficiently at the national level. SCP will cover €1.2 million of the total cost, which amounts to €4 million.

The project in pictures: