Turnkey project for hydraulic infrastructure – SOSUCAM

Project description Turnkey project for irrigation of 1,000 ha of rain-fed sugar-cane plantations (detailed works design, implementation of works, running-in, assistance with commissioning, delivery of all equipment). The project consists of a river intake, a 17-km hydraulic network, and a dozen 80-hectare irrigation pivots.
Management of safety works on the Dardennes dam

Project description The Dardennes dam is located a few kilometers north of Toulon, near the village of Revest Les Eaux. The project consists of: Risk assessment Flood wave modelling as far as Toulon in the event of dam failure Diagnosis and preliminary studies Performing and following up geotechnical reconnaissance missions Creation of a physical model […]
Operation and maintenance of SOSUCAM facilities

Project description This assignment consists of speeding up all actions required for the operation and maintenance of hydraulic equipment on the NIA irrigation network, which covers approximately 1,000 ha in the south-western sector of SOSUCAM’s sugar-cane plantations near Mbandjock, Cameroon. The assignment combines a number of activities in the areas of technical support, engineering, operation, […]
Expertise in irrigation for the AFD (french development agency)

Project description Contrat de prestations de services (Marché à bons de commande) pour des expertises dans le domaine des périmètres irrigués. Les prestations réalisées : Support in identifying an irrigation project in the Mundeni Aru basin, Sri Lanka Pre-feasibility study for Jericho’s “cash for water” PPP, with a view to reusing wastewater to supply an […]
Modernisation of irrigation schemes in the lower Medjerda valley, Tunisia

Project description The project consists of modernising aging public irrigation schemes which have been in operation for approximately 60 years in the lower Medjerda valley. Its aim is to rationalise the use of water resources, increase the efficiency and productivity of agriculture in the long term, and enable water users’ associations (agricultural development groups, or […]
Development of solar energy for pumping works in the Jordan Valley

Project description Feasibility study to evaluate the use of solar panels to supply pumping stations and especially farm-level pumping systems. The initial idea was to supply JVA pumping stations around the King Abdullah canal (110 km, 20 m3/s) directly. However, field studies resulted in a change in focus, concentrating more on the feasibility of generating […]
Innovative floating pv systems on the Barjaquets, Rustrel and Trapan storage reservoirs

Project description The project consists of studying and installing floating photovoltaic systems (250kWc each) on the Barjaquets, Rustrel and Trapan storage reservoirs. Services performed: Technical, regulatory and economic feasibility studies Response to the call for tender launched by the French Energy Regulation Commission Prior regulatory and environmental studies Project management
South-eastern irrigation scheme, Martinique – network energy diagnosis

Project description Comprehensive energy consumption diagnosis for pumping facilities, in accordance with the ISO 50001 standard and methodology. The study focused in particular on three pumping stations, including the Manzo station (capacity = 2 m3/s). Services provided: Preliminary analysis including on-site survey, collection and study of existing documentation Comprehensive analysis including on-site measuring campaign, installation […]
Refurbishment of the Drouet hydropower plant

Project description The Drouet facility (3MW) is EDH’s second largest hydropower plant, and as such it is set to play a major role in the development of the Artibonite agricultural region. It was built at the beginning of the 1980s but has since fallen into disrepair and is rarely used nowadays. This project aims to […]
Eyguières micro-hydropower plant

Project description The project to build the Eyguières micro-hydropower plant on the Craponne irrigation canal was managed by an Economic Interest Group made up of the Crau water users’ association, which owns the irrigation canal, and SCP. This facility consists of an intake, an ND 2,600-mm FRP penstock, and a 180 m² building to house […]