Project management for flood management works on the remparts river, Reunion Island

Preliminary studies, including in-depth analyses of local hydro-geomorphology, sediment transportation, hydraulics, and geology Preliminary design studies Detailed design studies Works contract procurement assistance, including tender documents Works supervision and acceptance of works Environmental and regulatory studies Project description The Remparts river passes through the centre of the town of Saint-Joseph. This river drains the southern […]
Reinforcement works on the Rhône dike between Beaucaire and Fourques

Project description Reinforcement works on the dike that runs for 13 km along the right bank of the Rhône river, between Le Fer à Cheval, Beaucaire, and the ‘La Tourette’ pumping station, Fourques. Deconstruction of the existing dike followed by reconstruction of a new dike (1 million m3). The new dike will be built using […]
Management of water resources and agricultural transition, Cambodia

Project description The WAT4CAM project is implementing a refurbishment programme for hydro-agricultural infrastructures, with a view to tackling poverty, developing the economy, and reducing the rural population’s vulnerability to climate change. Within the framework of an integrated approach, the project aims to (1) modernise some 15,000 ha of irrigation schemes and preks, (2) encourage the […]
Project management for the East-West water transfer, Reunion Island

Project description Water transfer project including river intakes and 30 km of galleries, in order to irrigate 6,000 ha of land in the west of the island. Description of services provided by SCP within the framework of the assignment Water transfer project including river intakes and 30 km of galleries, in order to irrigate 6,000 […]
Piton Rouge hillside storage reservoir, Reunion Island

Project description The hillside storage reservoir on the Piton Rouge site in the Plaine des Cafres is intended to satisfy agricultural needs in the local area. In particular, the project involves: Water abstraction and transfer facilities (intake works, intake canal, etc.), on a river subject to floods caused by cyclones. The objective is to supply […]
Hydraulic development works in the lower Argens valley

Project description This project consists of studying the technical, economic, regulatory, and environmental feasibility of hydraulic development works in the lower Argens valley, as set out in section 28 of the Flood Protection Plan. In particular, the project focuses on the following key actions: Fine-tuning or adapting works by means of precise numerical modelling of […]
Construction of the Vidauban / Sainte-Maxime water main

Project description The challenge: Increasing demand for drinking water in the Gulf of Saint Tropez and, more specifically, in Sainte Maxime, where long-term demand is equivalent to 500 l/s A lack of resources and/or new sites for local storage reservoirs The only solution is to transfer water from the Verdon via the ‘Verdon Saint Cassien’ […]
Full flood protection plan for the côtiers des Maures

Project description The towns of La Londe les Maures, Bormes les Mimosas and Le Lavandou (83) are prone to frequent and severe flooding. 2014 was a particularly bad year, with two consecutive and severe floods wreaking economic havoc and causing several deaths in La Londe. If they are to secure public financing, the various towns […]
Modernization of control systems on three canals, Morocco

Project description The ORMVAH (Haouz Regional Office for Agricultural Development) covers an area of over 660,000 ha, 145,000 of which have been the object of hydraulic development projects. Large-scale hydraulic infrastructures exist in three different zones : central Haouz (including N’fis), upstream Tessaout and downstream Tessaout. This study aims to modernise control systems on three […]
Feasibility study for increased eco-system resilience in the Ferlo Region (PREFERLO)

Project description The aim of the feasibility, conceptual and detailed preliminary design studies, which are part of the project to strengthen eco-system resilience in the Ferlo region (PREFERLO), is to design a technically and economically viable solution for the pressurised transfer of raw water from the Guiers lake for almost 230 km. In the long […]